Foot-/Joint Surgery
Products which we manufacture for the field of foot-/joint surgery
- Drill Guides
- Pliers
- Osteosynthesis plates
- Implants

Products which we manufacture for the field of orthopedics/trauma
- Reamer and drills
- Drill guides
- Pliers and forceps
- Mallets
- Templates
- Implants
- Retractors

Products which we manufacture for the field of spine
- Retractor systems
- Spoons and curettes
- Nerve hooks
- Implants and corresponding

Products which we manufacture for the field of cardio
- Atraumatic cardiac and vascular clamps
- Vascular clips & approximator clamps
- Micro needleholder
- Micro scissors
- VATS instruments
- MIS instruments

Hand Surgery
Products which we manufacture for the field of hand surgery
- Micro scissors
- Micro forceps
- Micro needleholders

General Surgery
Products which we manufacture for the field of general surgery
- Scissors
- Needleholders
- Surgical and atraumatic forceps
- Surgical clamps
- Suction and irrigation tubes
- Retractor